Last Tuesday Sept. 17, DCGA Senate convened to continue elections for the university’s governing councils. Logan Smith ‘16 and Yuqing Liang ‘16 were elected to the Committee on Residential Life (CRL). Jack Olmstead ‘16 was elected to the Security Committee. Isabel Randolph ‘16 and Chris Wallace ‘14 were elected to the Student Enrollment and Retention Committee (SERC). Jennifer Park ‘17, Evan Langford ‘16, and Kristóf Oltvai ‘15 were elected to the General Education Competencies Committee. Positions remain open on CRL, the Security Committee, and the Personnel Committee.

Steven Hix ‘16 was appointed the Treasurer of DCGA for this year. Rules Chair Chris Hoye ‘16 introduced a potential revamp of the Co-Governor position. Senate concluded with open discussion of the role of Co-Governors in campus governance; no motions were debated.