By Katie Jenko
Web Editor
At Denison, there are only a few events that bring the majority of the student body outside.
One is the Opening Ceremonies of Naked Week. The other is the Involvement Fair–because hey who doesn’t like free pens?

What’s the weirdest thing to happen on stage?
“Mountain Dew poured all over the stage.”
“Shaved our legs on stage.”
“Pulp fiction with unicorns.”
-Emma Skorepa ‘15, Jacob Betts ‘15, Annie Tracy ’15, Alex Woroncow ’16

How’s the involvement fair going?
“Well..we’re in an antville. Literally our table is on an antville. We’ll do anything for leadershape.”
-Megan McCormick ‘15
![BSU What is the most odd question someone has asked you about your organization? “Can white people join?” -Maya Ziegler ‘15 “[we get that question] at least once a day.” -Ariel “like the Little Mermaid” Baez ‘15](
What is the most odd question someone has asked you about your organization?
“Can white people join?”
-Maya Ziegler ‘15
“[we get that question] at least once a day.”
-Ariel “like the Little Mermaid” Baez ‘15

Frisbee Team
What was the funniest thing that happened during a game?
“One time Tyler Grassar caught a score and immediately threw up. He was just ill…”
-Franklin Gaglione ‘15

Asian Culture Club
What is the weirdest thing you’ve witnessed at the fair today?
“A man walking around with reindeer antlers on.”
-Ben Khoo ‘16, Man with Antlers–Jacob Betts

Muslim Student Association
What is favorite part about participating in the Muslim Student Association?
“If I had to pick three things that makes me happy at Denison, then the Muslim Students Association would be #1 on the list. I love our mission of spreading the true values of Islam and creating cross-cultural understanding”
-Aissata Barry ‘15

Denison Feminists
What was the most WTF comment you heard today?
“We’ve had a lot of guys come up and say ‘I’d join but I’m a dude.’”
Erin Katalinic ‘16

“Natalie’s outfit is a little much.”
As repeated by Allie Colina ‘14. Also pictured, Natalie Pariano