THE WELLNESS CENTER, Special to The Denisonian — As Denison students, we all know how grueling, exhausting, and stress-filled these weeks leading up to finals can be.

All of a sudden we are expected to turn into master jugglers, handling exams, papers, and projects; that’s just the schoolwork side of life here! 

In order to be as successful during finals as possible, it is important to find methods of managing our stress levels. The Wellness Center, located in Whisler Hall, has several tips and offers programs in order to help students combat stress. 

“Sleep and nourish your body.”

– The Wellness Center

First, getting adequate sleep allows for your best academic performance. 26.7% of Denison students reported that sleep difficulties have negative effects on their academics. Overworking yourself will lead to exhaustion and burnout. Prioritize your rest!

Next, taking care of your body by properly nourishing it, hydrating, and exercising will help your brain function to its best ability. Not only is it important to fuel your body for success, but it is also important to step away from your work and take time to re-group. 

The Wellness Center is currently facilitating Paws and Relax, a program that provides students with the opportunity to destress with therapy dogs. The therapy dogs will be rotating through different residence halls in the upcoming weeks. Check out the Wellness Instagram page, @denisonwellness, to find the Paws and Relax schedule. 

“Relax, you got this!”

– The Wellness Center

Also offered by the Wellness Center is the Destress Fest from 11:30-1:30pm in the library on December 12. The library will have snacks, hot chocolate, massage chairs, crafts, and giveaways. This program is a great environment for working while also enjoying special treats from the Wellness Center. 

Finals season at Denison is tough – take care of yourself throughout the next month! Students are encouraged to call The Wellness Center at 740-587-6200 with any questions or concerns.