JULIE KENYON, Copy Editor—Red Bull energy drinks fuel the minds and bodies of college students around the country, but their company and brand goes beyond what is found inside each can.

On February 27 Red Bull representative, Lauren D’Souza, will be visiting Denison University to talk and coach Denisonians about entering the workforce.

The Red Frame Lab, along with members of the Women in Business Club, have been crucial in motivating and strategizing D’Souza’s time on campus this upcoming Thursday.

Lauren D’Souza is the Brand Marketing Manager at Red Bull who leads initiatives to get college campuses involved with Redbull in Ohio, West Virginia, and western Pennsylvania.

D’Souza got her start after graduating from the Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School of Business using her background as an artist to develop unique marketing campaigns and consumer experiences.

D’Souza describes herself as “rocket fuel for emerging brands” on her own personal website, emphasizing that it is her ability to think outside the box and work with startups to create unforgettable marketing and branding experiences that makes her stand out within the highly competitive business world.

D’Souza’s work goes beyond Red Bull as she works with emerging and current Fortune 50 Organizations with Nued, a consulting firm, to create marketing experiences that are specific and unique to each individual organization.

D’Souza’s personal brand is just as hardcore as the ones she creates for Red Bull and fortune 50 organizations.

D’Souza uses her platform to connect with other up and coming people in the marketing, branding, and business industries providing a space for direct collaboration and communication online as she strives to both work in conjunction with other innovators in her field and help coach the next generation.

Students on campus will have the opportunity to both listen to her speak about her life and work for the Women in Business club at 11:30 a.m. in Burton Morgan, as well as sign up for individual coaching meetings either with D’Souza herself, or another member of her Red Bull team through the Knowlton Center.

Make sure to grab a Red Bull at Slayter on Thursday, February 27 and head to Burton Morgan to take part in the fantastic opportunity to network and receive coaching from Laruen D’Souza herself.