AMELIA JALLABAH, Asst. News Editor—If you are a fan of Marvel (one of the biggest growing franchises), then you know that one of the most anticipated movies of 2020 is Marvel Studios’ “Black Widow” starring Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh and David Harbour, and it is hitting theaters this summer. If you did not know, then now you do. Hopefully, you are as excited for this movie as I am.
If you are not a fan of Marvel or Superheroes, you should still give this movie a chance and put the release day down in your calendar. “Black Widow” follows the story of Natasha Romanoff, a Russian assassin turned hero who first made her debut in “Iron Man 2.”
The movie takes place after “Captain America: Civil War” in which the Avengers disbanded and she subsequently chose the side of Steve Rogers (Captain America) in the fight against Iron Man. This occurs before the events of “Avengers: Endgame” where the Avengers and other superheroes suit up for the fight against supervillain Thanos, the Avengers’ most venomous foe. Natasha is simultaneously on the run from the American Federal Government while trying to make amends with her past.
However, the existence of this sequel begs the question: why is Black Widow getting a solo movie when she – spoiler – fell to her death on Vormir in “Avengers: Endgame”? It is likely because this film is the perfect way for fans to learn more about the character and to get a glance at her past before she was part of the Avengers. This action-packed prequel will also introduce new characters such as Taskmaster, a villian with photographic reflexes. This skill involves, as an example, mimicking anyone’s fighting style after seeing it once. In addition, this movie wraps up the third phase of the Marvel cinematic universe (MCU), making way for more upcoming movies that will be part of the next phase.
This movie is more than just about Black Widow running from the American Federal Government and making amends with her past. It is also about her reuniting with her family while trying to deal with so many other things.
If you loved “Endgame” and Black Widow in the MCU, you will definitely love this movie. I think this movie will be particularly rewarding because Marvel movies are consistently immersive experiences, and I really look forward to being immersed in such a compelling character’s world. This movie will also be the final chapter of the Black Widow character in the franchise and therefore is another incentive to see it.
We escape to movies to experience something new, and if you truly want to experience something new, you should grab your friends and family on May 1st and go to the movie theater to see Marvel Studios’ “Black Widow.” You do not have to have seen any of the other movies to enjoy this one.
Finally, Hollywood needs more female leads in superhero movies, and for that reason I think it is great that Marvel Studios is doing something like this. I think “Black Window” will show young girls they can be independent and that they can be whomever they want to be in a man’s world.
Amelia Jallabah ‘23 is a political science major with a concentration in narrative journalism from Columbus, OH.