PATRICK MADDEN, Special to The Denisonian

The Food Pantry Network of Licking County is helping fight hunger at over twenty locations across Licking County, including right here on Denison’s campus.

Over the weekend at a location in Newark, volunteers fed 34 families.

The head volunteers there are all members of St. Luke’s Episcopalian Church in Granville and they open the pantry to the public on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8:30-11:30.

Each customer got two boxes of assorted foods and toiletries, as well as two bags of fruits and canned goods. They would pick what dairy items and meats they wanted for the week or month. 

The Newark food pantry is one of many in Licking County. One of the other branches is on campus in Higley Hall. Located in Room 018, it’s open to all Denison students on Monday and Wednesday 4:30-6:30 PM.

The Denison location has been open for over three years and is run by CLIC Program Coordinator Katie McKenney. Food is supplied by the Food Pantry Network. 

Thy Trinh ‘22 is a student who works at the food pantry. “My job there is to just kind of check in with people and show them how it works,” she said. “They come in, they sign up, and then we will talk about how many items they can take.” 

The amount of food available to students depends on how much food is in stock. Any student who is struggling with food security or financial difficulties is encouraged to use this resource.

Go check out the food pantry and ask about volunteer hours there or at another satellite site in Licking County. They are always looking for more volunteers!