America has been very political since the beginning of this country’s history.  

Starting with the Democratic-Republican and Federalist parties, people have always had an opinion on the matter. Living in the 21st-century, information is at our fingertips, and people can look up anything and have a stance within minutes. 

Throughout America’s history, political parties have always been a hot topic, where most people have an opinion. America has become more polarized since we’ve lived in a technology world, where people with different perspectives are able to speak out and have an impact on the government.

A huge reason for America being so polarized is the internet and the media — being exposed to what is happening in our politics at such a fast pace. Seeing everything happening with a single click, the media shows every day what is happening and who aligns with what party.

It has become normal for us to choose a side quickly and not let ourselves learn and grow. The internet has made it very easy for anyone to state what they believe in and for millions of people to see and throw their thoughts into the mix. 

What comes with that is a lot of hateful speech that political parties spew to each other, adding to the polarization. 

America is becoming more polarized than it was in the mid 20th-century because we as a society have become more diverse over time. As a country we are becoming more diverse in politics and that representation for minorities is starting to be shown. 

But with this comes many different political views that are all trying to be shown in the government. Showing how polarized our politics are, even our race plays a part in it, whether you are Republican, Democrat, liberal, or moderate. 

For instance, a vast majority of minorities are liberals and Democrats because of their life and moral values that they have been raised on; meanwhile, Republicans are usually white because of those same reasons. 

This specific topic polarizes politics a lot since race is such an uncomfortable topic that not that many people want to talk about.

Politics have always been this way; there will always be political groups that oppose each other. It has been like this since the beginning when the Federalists opposed the Democratic-Republicans. 

In some aspects, the polarization is normal. It makes sense that people feel so strongly about their views and oppose other views. Politics in many ways represents you, represents your values, what you believe in and how you think people should be treated in this world. 

America is more polarized than it has been before because of the internet era we live in, and the diversity has started to impact the government with people of color and women being a part of the government more often now. America is at a very polarized moment in politics and from the looks of it has been one of the most polarizing moments in history as well.