ROHAN ARORA, Editor-in-Chief—
After two long and news-filled years of being in a managerial role, I would like to thank the readers and contributors of the Denisonian for making it what it is. I remember deciding in the summer of my first year that I was going to get involved in the paper. I was very scared. I had never looked at journalism, much less writing as a productive use of my time, and wanted to do something big with my life. I spent that summer in DC, interning for a congressman. I enjoyed the work, but the experience left much to be desired for me overall. I was very fascinated, however, everytime i would see a dressed down, fast talking, twitter fingered, ‘in-a-hurry-to-their-next-source’ journalist on my way to whatever task I had to do. They always seemed like they had the most going on, and more importantly, the most profound sense of meaning with what they were doing. After observing all the characters DC had to offer, and some admittedly cringeworthy Aaron Sorkin drama bingeing, I decided to give reporting a shot. It has easily turned out to be one of my best decisions so far.
This paper has been my home since my second year of college, and I love and value everything it stands for. The community it strives to create is one that I can already see on campus.
I hope the paper has and continues to challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone, whether that be to read and confront opinions that may not be yours, or to enlighten you about issues that you didn’t know existed on campus, or, most importantly, keep you informed.
Through my time on the denisonian, we have seen so many ups and downs, from tackling all the challenges that arose with COVID, which resulted in a less print oriented focus, to expanding our reach from print to broadcast pieces as well.
I’m so proud of where we have come, and can not wait to see the heights the paper will soar to in the future. I have put my heart and soul into making sure this paper is the best it can be, and I have complete faith that the staff next year shares my commitment to providing Denison’s community with a solid and useful weekly newspaper.
Even though my time is done, I will continue to help the future staff as much as I can, and I will never stop supporting their efforts.
Thank you,
Rohan Arora