Ella Tummel, Special to The Denisonian

Denison students will soon have a more affordable way to access essential healthcare items. 

On March 1, Hoaglin Wellness Center will unveil a new vending machine offering low-cost medical products, including Plan B for $10—far cheaper than the typical $40-50 price at local stores. 

The vending machine’s low-cost alternatives and ease of access are hoped to help address challenges students may have faced when getting medical and health supplies, such as lack of funds or transportation.

“It’s a very real issue. There have been times when I was sick and couldn’t make it down the hill for medicine, so I just thought, ‘Oh well, I guess I’m not getting medicine today,’” Jazlyn Moreno ‘26 said.  

Purchases can be made with student IDs using Denison Dollars. This new feature complements other wellness initiatives like the Glove Box program, which delivers condoms, dental dams, and lube to students’ Slayter boxes free of charge. Other items available in the machine include: Mucinex ($10) , Covid Tests (free) , Ace Bandages ($2) and menstrual cups ($5). According to the Wellness Center, these products will either be offered at cost or with a minimal markup to ensure continued restocking. 

This vending machine has been in the works for years, said Michelle Barcelona, the director of medical services for the Hoaglin Wellness Center, who has wanted to implement this program since starting at Denison in 2009. Thanks to a recent grant, the Wellness Center is able to offer medications at a far lower cost than at local convenience stores.

“Most of the over the counter meds are just really expensive. A good example is Plan B is $50 at CVS, and we’re selling it for $10,” said Barcelona. 

The new program also offers more consistency for student services, explained Heather Borland, Hoaglin’s student health and wellness education coordinator. 

“We’re going to offer them a really low cost, but we can consistently offer them services instead of waiting on someone to donate and then hand them out for free.” Borland said. 

Katelyn Baez ‘25 is a student wellness ambassador at Hoaglin and is looking forward to the vending machine’s implementation.

“For a lot of people, Plan B can be an entire paycheck,” Baez said. “I like that it will make healthcare more accessible for students… When it comes to sexual health I think people are embarrassed.” 

Evie Erwin ‘26 echoed the sentiment, highlighting the vending machine’s role in increasing accessibility on campus.

“I think it’s a great start, and I think it’ll be easier for people to go up and get what they need— I hope they do more with it. ” 

Barcelona hopes that this program could lead to more locations for the vending machines on campus.

“It’ll be interesting if it takes off. There’s been conversations like, will they put others, [on] other places on campus?” Barcelona said.  “For now, I think we’re going to see how it goes over here.”