Astha Dave, Special to The Denisonian — Denison University has introduced a new tiered wage system for its student employees, a change that has sparked a range of reactions among...
Donald Keough, News Editor – Photos: Andrew Laramore / The Denisonian Students filed into their seats in Herrick Hall on Sept. 20 to watch a presentation by Denison’s the Black...
Donald Keough, News Editor– At any given time in the Slayter Student Union, you can probably hear someone voicing their opinion about Denison Hospitality, formerly known as just Denison Dining....
Lily Charkow, Arts & Life Editor– As last semester was coming to an end, many students were scrambling to find housing. A great number of students were concerned about finding...
Donald Keough, News Editor– After two years of student and faculty feedback, the revised student code of conduct is being finalized this summer. Students will likely be able to keep...
Addy Pittenger- Arts & Life Editor Emeritus– With the incoming class growing in size every year, the amount of housing needed for all students to live on campus has become...
Ellie Owen, Editor-in-Chief– Dr. Alex Miller, Vice President of Student Life, never came to Denison thinking he’d stay forever. “I don’t put years to things,” he said. “I always...
Khanh Do, Web Editor– While several top universities, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dartmouth College, Yale University and Brown University have reinstated the requirement for standardized test scores for...
Donald Keough, News Editor– In the 100 year-old Swasey Chapel, students, parents and faculty pour into the pews, filling the hall with a nervous and excited energy as they await...
Donald Keough, News Editor– On April 13, dozens of students came to show their support for geothermal energy during a campout on the intramural practice fields. Student support for Denison’s...