Staff Writer

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”

This celebrated opening line from one of the literary world’s most beloved classics initiated and ended Available Light Theatre’s (AVLT) fresh, lively and irresistible adaptation of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen this past weekend.

Written by Daniel Elihu Kramer and directed by Eleni Papaleonardos, the entire production was taken on by just five actors.

This creates  an interesting contrast between characters being portrayed by the same actor. An example presented itself with the dynamic between the proud, reserved and remarkably taciturn Mr. Darcy and the smarmy, harebrained and incredibly cringeworthy Mr. Collins (both played by Ian Short).

The accommodating, sweet disposition of Jane Bennet and the haughty, affected airs of Caroline Bingley and Lady Catherine de Bourgh (Michelle Schroeder Lowrey) proved just as entertaining. 

Elizabeth Bennet would be tackled effortlessly by Acacia Leigh Duncan, who simply was the clever, witty, and inspiring heroine of the ages. Perhaps what distinguished the show from other productions was that it managed to integrate material that would be enjoyable for both veterans and newcomers to the story.