Scientists everywhere will tell you that Planet Earth is dying. While many look to figures of authority to make a change in protecting the environment, several Denison students have decided to start making their own difference.

The first annual Midwest Student Coalition for Climate Action (MWSCCA) Climate Conference, A.K.A. MWSCCA 2017 Climate Conference, was held this past week to bring several communities together for this important topic.

The group on campus consists of several students, all of whom like to point out the hard work of each other. The group hosted the event and used the concept of “WE” as they welcomed roughly 150 students, faculty and community members from across Ohio.

The theme was “We Can, We Will, We Must: Discovering our role as student activists, and determining how we can be most effective in expressing our concerns!”

“One immediate and tangible outcome that shall result from this conference will be the the official creation and institution of the MWSCCA Climate Council. This council will consist of student representatives chosen to represent each MWSCCA affiliated institution. Meetings will occur twice a year (not including the annual climate conference) to discuss progress on campus sustainability projects, collaborate and coordinate cross-campus events/campaigns, and discuss logistics for the next MWSCCA Climate Conference,” said Liam McIlroy ‘17, President, Creator and Founder of MWSCCA.

MWSCCA is a student-led grassroots organization determined to unite, prepare and empower the aspiring student activists of today for a future of environmental championship.

The event included keynote speeches from The Yes Men and Madonna Thunder Hawk, student sustainability presentations from all the schools, including Granville High School, and a discussion group focusing on microcommunity formation and an activism action plan.

The purpose of the conference was stated as to “Provide a truly extraordinary, enlightening, and inspirational experience for all in attendance, provide a platform to collaborate and formulate best and most effective practices for future activism, provide an opportunity for students to connect, network, and build relationships with other like minded individuals who, until this the conference, may not ever get the chance to meet, reveal that we share a common ground through the impacts of climate change, and help the campus community re-discover their true influence and capacity for creating positive change through civic activism.”

“This conference fostered a lot of community building between the Ohio 5 schools, and we all realized that at every school and even Granville High School, we are fighting for the same things and facing the same barriers!” said member Charlotte King ‘17.

For many people who participated, the environmental issues in the world face a unique obstacle.