RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES, Special to The Denisonian—Community Advisors (CAs) are student-leaders who build community and serve as local resources in the residence halls. Since Denisonians live on campus throughout their years on the hill, CAs foster an important safe and welcoming space for residents and work to connect people to resources and to each other. CAs are expected to exemplify positivity, flexibility, respect and a willing spirit towards their work. Through their training and role, CAs develop a set of skills, experiences and network.
CAs host programs, connect with individual residents, educate their local community about university resources and expectations, and support the administrative operation of the residence halls. From providing opportunities that fit residents’ interests and needs to supporting events on campus and teaming up with other departments, CAs create and promote activities that help Denisonians succeed and meet people.
The students also collaborate on a monthly newsletter to communicate about campus events or share useful information in a fun and creative way! They are also trained in University policies and serve as on-call responders.
Being a CA allows you to make a positive impact at Denison through building relationships, fostering inclusive communities, and facilitating learning and skill development for other students. Between hosting programs, being on-call, making door decorations and newsletters, getting to know residents, managing roommate conflicts and helping students through difficult times, being a CA is one of the most diverse and exciting jobs that Denison has to offer!
While being a CA isn’t the only way to show your support for your community, it’s one way to make a difference. If you’d like to show care about your campus and Denisonians in this way, then we hope you’ll consider applying.
The application opens October 21 and must be submitted by November 3; all applicants are required to attend an information session during the week of October 21 in order to be eligible for the position. If you’re interested in becoming a CA and would like more information about the job or the application, visit the Residential Communities tab on MyDenison or email [email protected].