JILL PLAS, Special to The Denisonian—

Gather is a moving documentary that focuses on the significance of food in Native American cultures. It follows three Native people from different parts of the country as they reckon with the past and present of colonial violence and reconnect with the past through growing, picking and cooking the food that their ancestors grew. 

The documentary, which follows the stories of a young chef, a salmon fisherman and a bison farmer among others, centers around the restorative properties of native foods for indigenous communities. It means so much more than feeding the community— it offers healing, sovereignty, connection to the past and a new path forward. The film’s beautiful landscaped and stunning images provide the backdrop for the moving and inspirational dreams of the people who are working tirelessly to ensure that their foodways are remembered and that their communities are thriving instead of just surviving, and making a future one crop at a time. 

This 75 minute documentary is an International Studies Film Festival exclusive. See it in Herrick Auditorium Thursday 4/7 at 5:30!