Mike Maynard, Staff Writer—

As the spring semester has begun, so has the slow rise in Covid cases on campus. There has been chatter around campus recently about accessing tests at the Hoaglin Wellness Center. Initially, when cases began to increase, tests were easily able to be picked up in the lobby of the wellness center.

Shortly after, tests were moved to behind the front desk, where students would then have to go up and request a test.

Once this began, many students claimed to have been denied tests because they were not symptomatic. This has caused concern because many students are living with roommates who have tested positive and are now exposed to Covid.

Student Ellie Laird ‘23 has been experiencing this very issue. As recent as Friday, February 10, 2023. Laird and two of her four roommates tested positive for ovid. A fourth roommate wanted to get a test but was denied.

“They told me we didn’t need to test and that my 4th roommate didn’t need to test because everyone is a close contact and unless she was experiencing symptoms, they didn’t want to give her a test,” Laird said.

According to Michelle Barcelona, a Nurse Practitioner and Associate Director of Medical Services at Hoaglin Wellness Center, students had been taking multiple tests at a time when Hoaglin preferred that students only test when they needed to.

“We did move them behind [the front desk] because we needed to monitor the distribution of them more,” Barcelona said. 

Initially, there were instances of students testing shortly after their first test when typically there should be another test about five days in.

Cases where tests are usually given are when students are exposed, typically by their roommate, and they are on day five, would be able to access a test.

Hoaglin sent out an informational email on Wednesday,  February 8, detailing how students can get vaccines, tests and guidelines for students who test positive. 

“As part of our care for our community, we expect students who are experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 to test. Students who test positive for COVID-19 are required to isolate for a minimum of five days until they are a) asymptomatic or symptoms are resolving and b) they have been fever-free for 24 hours without medication,” the email said.

That email also included that students must email [email protected] when they have tested positive. 

“Unfortunately, Covid is just not going to go away; I don’t think we’ll ever be without Covid,” Barcelona said. 

Barcelona emphasized the importance of masking up and practicing strategies to avoid exposure during peak periods like the beginning of the semester.