Brennan Ford, Asst. Sports Editor–

Denison student-athletes celebrated their third Official’s Appreciation Week from Oct. 7-13 to thank officials for helping athletes be able to compete in their sport.

Denison is one of many Division III schools to commemorate athletics officials, as the week of appreciation was nationally adopted by the NCAA Division III Commissioners Association. 

Denison’s Student Athlete Advisory Council (DSAAC) president Annabelle Calderon ‘25 helped organize the commemoratory celebrations for officials’ appreciation week, including a half-time presentation at the men’s soccer game against Oberlin on Oct. 9. 

“It’s important to give appreciation because as athletes, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do without our officials. We can’t compete without them out there with us,” Calderon said. “Much like our teammates, ourselves, our coaches, athletic trainers, and every single person involved in making our seasons happen, our officials deserve just as much appreciation.” 

As a token of the student athletes gratitude, Caldron presented the referees with small gift bags.

“Our goal is that by giving these small gestures of appreciation and recognizing our officials, they’ll be able to feel like we know how much they impact us,” Calderon said.

On Instagram, DSAAC encouraged all student-athletes to thank their officials not only this week, but for all future events as a way of showing appreciation to the individuals who make playing their sport possible.

“We want [the officials] to know that the student-athletes are so thankful because with them on the field, court, by the pool, or waiting at a finish line, we get to be the athletes we train every day to be,” Calderon said.