By Max Dehon, 127 writer — In college campuses, students are becoming more involved than they have ever been, and their platforms to voice concerns have been seen across the...
“As of right now, without Denison students, Taco Dan’s would not be a thing,” Dan Rodgers, bar owner said. “We’re pretty much just waiting for Denison to come back, for...
With the campus empty and Ohio’s shelter-in-place still in order, students receive confirmation from the college president that the in-person graduation will be postponed. Adam Weinberg, Denison University president, has...
This letter from Kim Coplin, sent on 26 March at 2:20 p.m., has been republished here for transparency. I am writing to provide an important notice of changes to the...
ALINA PANEK, Editor-in-Chief — During this unprecedented time of remote learning, students took to Facebook to write about their concerns and challenges. Some of them wrote essays about their daily...
LIZ ANASTASIADIS, Managing Editor Emeritus — In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, flooding in Licking County has forced some Newark, Granville, and Heath residents from homes, apartments, and trailers...
ALINA PANEK, Editor-in-Chief — Adam Weinberg, college president, delivers a heartfelt message to the class of 2020 through an emailed video. It includes an apology and announcement for graduation postponement...
ALINA PANEK, Editor-in-Chief — As announced in a video by Adam Weinberg, University President, through email delivered to the Denison community at 8:51 p.m., Denison will be extending the original...
AARON SKUBBY, News Editor—Dr. Paul Djupe is heading a proposal for a new concentration called Data and Display in the Social Sciences, abbreviated D2S2. To be accepted, proposals must first...
DR. PAUL A. DJUPE, OneTwentySeven—2020 is in full effect! Who do Denisonians support? Drawing on data from our survey of 500 students that closed last Monday, the campus is almost...