HANNAH KUBBINS News Editor As Ohio resumes executions in the new year, death row inmate Ronald Phillips is scheduled to die on January 12, 2017. Phillips was sentenced to death...
CAROLINE GAENZLE Assistant Opinion Editor Denison has decided to place more intellectual authority in its students hands by allowing them to teach a subject of their choosing through the Experimental...
EMILY YEH Special to the Denisonian This past Veterans Day, Dr. Andrew “Andy” Sterrett was presented the award of the French Legion d’ Honneur. He, along with several other Granville...
EMILY SHANE Managing Editor The budget for the new performing arts complex is $30 million, according to David English, the chief financial officer and vice president for finance and management....
HANNAH KUBBINS & RYAN STROTHER News Editors The flagpole by Slayter is covered in chalk-written messages. Some are encouraging, but most are divisive. “Love Trumps Hate” is crossed out with...
EMILY SHANE and JAKE MULLIN Managing Editor and Staff Writer It is common to see President Adam Weinberg cheering at sporting events, or Vice President for Student Development Laurel Kennedy...
HANNAH KUBBINS News Editor Tuition for the 2016-2017 school year is $47,870. Depending on where a student lives, that number can easily increase by another $8-9,000. Add in a meal...
HANNAH KUBBINS Staff Writer Denison will be moving forward with a solar array that will provide 2 megawatts of power and supply about 15% of our energy needs after a...
EMMA CEPLINSKAS Assistant News Editor Between tuition, room and board, and other fees, there seems to be an endless flood of college expenses. Sometimes campus activities exceed the standard tuition...
RYAN STROTHER & CAROLINE GAENZLE News Editor & Assistant Opinion Editor There’s a new bakery in town. Serving birthday cakes, confections, seasonal pumpkin and apple treats, Sunshine Sweets has been...