Nina: Picture this: it’s the middle of the afternoon, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping. Suddenly, something disturbs the peace. A Jeep, packed with screaming people, whips around the corner blasting EDM. Sound familiar? Even without a car on campus, navigating the roads of Denison can be harrowing. It’s common to see people blowing through stop signs, driving recklessly and parking illegally (or just really, really poorly).

Max: Bad driving and road rage are closely related. Often times, bad driving incurs road rage from others which then leads to aggressive driving. While there is a difference between bad driving and aggressive driving, it’s safe to say that neither are good for anyone involved.

Alina: Road rage is so common in Chicago that I’ve honestly become desensitized to it. Aggressive driving is the only way that you can get to your destination when you’re in a city of 4 million people. That being said, that doesn’t excuse road rage. I understand driver’s frustrations with traffic but it doesn’t excuse unnecessary violence. I haven’t seen or been involved with any road rage incidents myself but I have heard of my friends’ plans just in case they do find themselves in danger… some of them include bats and it’s not the animal…. I’m hoping that none of them have to use it.

Liz: My 16-year-old brother recently got into a car crash. Let’s set the scene. It’s around midnight, and he’s on the south side of town. Windows down in his 2002 impala, he’s got no air-conditioning and is minding his business. Suddenly, a woman in a large Jeep liberty slams his back bumper. They didn’t stop at the stop sign. The man in the passenger side (who apparently was this woman’s boyfriend) runs out of the car and starts wailing on my brother. Punching him in the face repetitively. My brother kicks him and says “I’m 16 you b***!” and closes the window. Now, he’s pressing charges. If that isn’t road rage, then I’m not sure what is. That woman needs to break up with her boyfriend. 

Laura: Road rage is just a part of life. If they were not in a car, then it would just be normal rage. I think it naturally happens in some degree mostly minor to everyone, but the problem is when the rage gets out of hand. It is definitely easier to be angry while driving, since there is a lot of irritating factors, and the drivers can’t see each others faces bringing less guilt just to be angry with your surroundings including the other cars. It is harder to be upset face to face, but behind the windshield the rage can flow, so it is quite normal to be irritated, but letting it develop into road rage is a problem.