From the outside looking in, it is easy to overlook the hard work that happens behind the scenes on campus. Between Denison athletics, health services, campus safety and more, the...
JESSICA LEEDS RICHMAN Arts & Life Editor The 117 seat Burton Morgan Lecture hall was so full that students and faculty alike lined the walls and filled the floor in...
CASEY TRIMM News Editor College students have become the biggest targets of phishing scams, attempts by scammers to try and trick people into giving out personal information, such as bank...
MIA CATILLO Special to The Denisonian In need of a ride to any location within Licking County? Fear no more! Coming soon to Denison there will be shuttles escorting students...
CHLOE SFERRA News Editor Tension has been building as offensive words, vandalism, and other hate crimes have been circling around Denison. In the aftermath of an incident concerning the Muslim...
KAITLYN SPECHT Editor-in-Chief With summer quickly approaching, it might be time for students to start thinking about how to utilize their breaks efficiently for their career goals. The Knowlton Center’s...
TANZEN ANGERT & MARISA HOMBOSKY Features Editor & Sports Editor Dr. Sangeet Kumar, along with two of his fellow colleagues, Dr. Alina Haliluc and Dr. Laura Russell, joined the...
CHLOE SFERRA & CASEY TRIMM News Editors Every American seems to be holding a sign these days. Whether the sign supports the cur- rent government or is protesting its decisions,...
JAKE MULLIN Staff Writer In a presentation to the student senate last Tuesday night, President Sara Shore ‘17 addressed the issue of “senator engagement” in the DCGA. The problem was...
EMILY SHANE Managing Editor The preliminary plans for the new Performing Arts complex have been submitted to the village planning commision and are awaiting approval. The strict Granville building codes...