Ever feel isolated on our beloved Denison hill, separated from the real world by college life? The Human Rights Film Festival, which kicks off this evening, provides a solution by...
By Emily Shane, Special to the Denisonian “Feminism is not a thing of the of past, but we do need a new version,” Jack Halberstam, English professor at the University...
Delta Gamma: 31 women Delta Delta Delta: 31 women Kappa Alpha Theta: 31 women Kappa Kappa Gamma: 37 women Pi Beta Phi: 37 women Beta Theta Pi: 12 men Delta...
By Jewell Porter A few lucky students arrived on campus this semester with tales to share with their peers their recent enlightening self-discoveries and changed outlooks on life thanks to...
By Jewell Porter Last weekend, students and faculty engaged in acts of community service to commemorate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Over 200 students and faculty volunteered this...
By Curtis Edmonds Shortly before most Denisonians sat down in their respective dining hall of choice last Thursday, students had some issues accessing the Internet through Denison’s wi-fi. According to...
By Curtis Edmonds Denison alumna Kelly Brown Douglas ‘79 received a warm welcome back to her old stomping grounds yesterday when she gave her speech, “King’s dream in the...
By Debbie Gillum News Editor Attending a liberal arts school is great, but it means that Denison students looking to become veterinarians have found themselves with only a limited support...
Good parking spots are sometimes hard to find on campus, and it’s about to become harder. But it’s a worthwhile sacrifice: some of the treasured spots behind Crawford will be...
This past weekend, students may have noticed a new publication circulating across campus. After months of careful planning, The Juicebox has finally hit the stands. According to its Facebook group,...